Dead battery or flat tyre? Make use of our roadside assistance services

Car recovery service providers in Dubai & Abu Dhabi can offer a wide range of services to provide greater support during the breakdown. They can offer a wide range of services from flat tyre replacement to car jumpstart services.

Flat Tyre Replacement Services

Our team of expert roadside assistance services in Dubai & Abu Dhabi at Royal Swiss Auto Recovery services offers  flat tyre replacement services  effectively in a short span of time.

Got stranded on the road after getting a flat tyre? Then getting in touch with your roadside assistance provider is the first thing you must do to because changing a flat tire can be quite tricky if you have never done it before or if you don’t have any proper tools.

When a flat tire occurs, you could probably realize that your vehicle is being pulled to the side of the flat tire and you will find difficulties in accelerating. Opting for the roadside assistance provider in this situation will offer you complete peace of mind by minimizing the risk caused when you try to replace it by yourself and keeps you safe.

Make sure the car recovery company you choose to get your flat tyre replaced offers everything like quick service, better on-site help, top-rated customer service, greater convenience and professionalism.

On contacting our roadside assistance service provider in the UAE, we will reach out to your location and replace your spare tyres to help you get back on the roads.

Jump Start Services

In many cases, especially as your car gets older, your car won’t start due to the dead battery and you may need quick jump start services to get your car back on the roads. We’ve all experienced it at least once in our lives.

Once your car battery is dead or does not supply enough power then the jump start service may be considered as a perfect solution.

Dead batteries can leave you stranded in the middle of the roads and ruin your plan, in such cases we are the perfect choice.

Car batteries have two nodes commonly known as terminals where one is positive and the other one is negative. Both the terminals together complete the electric circuit. A thick insulated cable that has dual clips on both the ends commonly known as the jumper cables and the power source are commonly needed to jumpstart your car battery. The power source can commonly be a battery in another car or a jump box.

What are the reasons that cause the dead car battery?

Various reasons like lights that are left on for a long period, leaving the car unused for a long time can drain your car battery making it difficult to power the car ignition system.

There are a few signs that indicate your car battery is weak and you may need the jump start service offered by roadside assistance companies.

  • You may hear your engine crank slowly when you attempt to start your car then in most cases it may be due to the dying battery.
  • Check your vehicle headlights if they are dim, then the problem in most cases is due to the dying battery. In some cases when your battery does not supply enough power then it may even affect the proper functioning of the power windows.
  • Check out the battery warning lights on your dashboard.

If your car does not start after the jump start, which means the battery may be beyond repair and needs replacement

In any such occasions when mishaps occur, we strive to offer the quick help to jumpstart the dead battery of your car

Royal Swiss Auto Recovery Services is one of the reputed car recovery service provider in the UAE that offers a wide range of services to help you out during unexpected accidents and mechanical or electrical breakdowns like towing services, 24/7 roadside assistance, flatbed recovery, tire replacement, battery jump start services and many others.

When any mishaps occur contact our squad of roadside assistance in Dubai & Abu Dhabi and you can be in complete peace of mind because your vehicles are always handled by specialist technicians.

If you are looking for the safe, fast and reliable roadside assistance support in the UAE, then call us at 800 437 33.