How To Ensure Safety When Providing Roadside Assistance During A Rainy Day?

We all would have taken up the roadside assistance support from reliable car recovery companies during emergencies to get the issues sorted out quickly and continue the journey.

But if you are opting for  roadside assistance  during a rainy day, it requires extra precautions to ensure the safety of yourself, your vehicle and the roadside assistance team involved.

Here in this blog, we have clearly listed out some essential tips to help ensure safety in such situations:

Focus on visibility

Make sure your vehicle’s hazard lights are on to enhance visibility, especially during the rainy season while waiting for the roadside assistance team to arrive. Usually, roadside assistance teams from reputed  car recovery  companies would wear a reflective vest and use a flashlight when working in low-light conditions, especially during the rainy seasons to make it easily noticeable to passing motorists and to avoid further collisions.

Park your vehicle safely

Once you contact the  roadside assistance team , park your vehicle on a flat, stable surface away from traffic, if possible this would ensure your safety and also provide the roadside assistance team a safe place to work on your car. If you’re on the side of a road, position your vehicle in a way that allows for a safe working space and minimizes the risk of being hit by passing cars.

Be cautious of standing water, puddles, or flooded areas. Avoid working in these conditions, as they can hide hazards and pose electrical risks if the water comes into contact with electrical components.

Never forget about the traffic

Pay close attention to traffic, especially during rainy conditions because the reduced visibility can hinder your views on other vehicles, so it is always good to increase stopping distances. Always remember that drivers might have difficulty in seeing you and your vehicle during rainy weather, and take extra precautions when your roadside assistance team is working on your car.

Use warning triangles

Set up warning triangles or other safety alerting tools behind your vehicle to alert other drivers about the presence of your car’s working area. Place them at a sufficient distance to provide ample warning to oncoming traffic. This is highly important during the rainy weather.

Protective clothes and accessories are a must

Usually, the roadside assistance team would wear appropriate protective accessories like a waterproof jacket, gloves and non-slip footwear while working on the cars during rainy seasons. This will help them to keep them dry and reduce the risk of slips and falls.

Even if you are working on your car on your own instead of contacting the professional roadside assistance team, it is essential to wear protective clothes to avoid injuries during the rainy seasons.

Communicate clearly

If you are working with a roadside assistance team ensure clear communication with them until they arrive and also during the working process. Use hand signals, phone calls or other means to communicate especially in noisy or rainy conditions.

Keep equipment dry

Vehicle owners keep the emergency tools in their car safely without exposure to water, because wet tools can be slippery and may not function properly, posing additional safety risks and making your vehicle repair worse.

Emergency kit in your vehicle includes items such as a first aid kit, basic tools, a flashlight, and extra clothing. This can be invaluable in case of unexpected challenges.

Have knowledge about current weather conditions

If the weather conditions are too bad, and you have access to taxis or cabs it is better to postpone the repairs with your car. Simply park the car in a safer location and leave to your place.

Always prioritize safety when getting roadside assistance, especially in adverse weather conditions.


At Royal Swiss Auto Recovery, we have an experienced team to offer efficient roadside assistance services for you when you are caught in the worst scenarios despite the weather conditions in a safe and efficient way.

To know more about our 24/7 roadside assistance services in the UAE, just dial 800 437 33.